Metal Work & Fabrication
- Rails, Platforms, Shelves & Racks
- Cages & Brackets
- Custom Metal Works
- Onsite Installation & Welding
- Truck Tray Manufacture & Repair
Metal Workers & Welders
We service industries including, Health, Education, Mining, Construction, Automotive, Infrastructure, Government using mild steel and metals, bending, drilling, cutting, shaping welding, finishing.Labour Hire
for a free quote or if you need metal and steel workers on your site Click Here to Contact UsSteel Fabrication & Steel Fabricators in Sydney - Hard Bakka
Hard Bakka is a dynamic steel fabrication company with experience in many metal works and metal fabrication. We have qualified welders, fabricators and installers to help you achieve your metal work project be it custom made shelves for your retail business, a continuous line of manufactured trolleys and cages for your factory or showroom or truck tray repairs in industry. Our services in metal work are as diverse as you want them to be.
Based in the Bankstown City LGA, we are strategically positioned in the south west to serve the entire Sydney metropolitan area, 24/7.
We have in-house quality management procedures, welding procedures to Australian standards, In-house Occupational Health & Safety Plans and Procedures and Safe Work Method Statements. We also have current insurance certificates and other relevant documents for a compliant, safe job within budget.

Measure / Draft
We work closely with your structural engineers and design team from the early stages to ensure the design is both workable and measurements are accurate.
Our drafting service is second to none. Using advanced 3D technology, we then produce clear shop detail drawings according to architectural and structural design drawings.

Our Expert team includes workshop or onsite:
Steel Fabricators, Metal Workers, Trades Assistants, Boiler Makers, Riggers, Welders
Excellent results are the pinnacle of success. Using only qualified and skilled tradesmen, we guarantee steel fabrication and welding results that pass the toughest of industry tests including NDT.

Surface Finish
We provide all types of structural steel and metalwork finishes on request.
Zinc phosphate primer
Hot dip galvanize?
Spray or powder coating in a range of colours.

Deliver / Install
We Can Organise:
Semi- Trailers, Maeda cranes, Franna Cranes, Scissor Lifts, Cherry Pickers, Forklifts
Hard Bakka steel fabrication uses the latest and most efficient delivery vehicles and installation equipment available. In addition to our own vehicles and equipment, we hire the right truck and lifting equipment for the job.